Roydon Quarry

Roydon Quarry

The 170ha Roydon quarry 15 km west of Christchurch was identified as a suitable replacement for Fulton Hogan’s Pound Road quarry in 2010. Consent applications were lodged in 2018, and consent received from the Environment Court in November 2021 after an extensive community consultation process, with more than 200 conditions relating to the quarry’s development […]

Willowbank Quarry

Willowbank Quarry

Update: The quarry management plan for the quarry, on the 650ha Willowbank Farm near the top of the Pauatahanui and Hutt River catchments, has been approved by local councils. In February and March 2024 the focus is on silt and sediment controls and drainage, and building the 395m visual bund that will be formed with […]

Challies Island Quarry

Challies Island Quarry

Over the past 170 years more than 95 percent of Nelson/Tasman’s wetland area has been lost to horticulture and agriculture. Over the next few decades Challies Island Quarry will, even in a small way, help address this by transforming land of low public value and biodiversity into a wetland taonga for the future. It is […]